<aside> 💡 A Book Bloc shield is two sheets of 10mm honeycomb cardboard, separated by 5mm foam. These layers are held together by tie wraps, to which we attach handles made from discarded bicycle inner tubes. All four sides are then taped for extra strength, which also attaches the artwork. We then apply a fixative spray to make the Blocs relatively rainproof. It takes about 30 min to make one Book Bloc using an efficient assembly line.


⏰ Quick overview

Check out the instructions for each of the steps below, soon to be accompanied by instructional videos. As you will see in our Sweatshop Setup Instructions, each of the above steps corresponds to a station/table in a volunteer-run workshop, forming an assembly line. Anyone can produce a single Book Bloc using this guide, but please be aware that the quantities listed in the materials section are based on producing 50 Blocs - this is where it begins to become much more cost efficient, and fun!

Build materials (for 50 shields)

Preparing handles and foam

Marking the cardboards

Cutting & assembling

Adding handles & tidying edges

Attaching the book cover & plaque

Finishing & dedicating