The document compiles feedback survey from various colleagues on my strengths and weaknesses as a teacher, as well as thier suggestions for my development. My qualities as an educator that are recurrently mentioned are enthusiasm, knowledge, and ability to engage students in urgent topics. My peers seem to describe me as a passionate and charismatic speaker who can convey complex ideas in an accessible manner [see also Micro-teaching Feedback for more impressions]. These qualifiers are aligned with my self-perception; but are they enough to make me a good educator?
I am grateful that the honest feedback I received also highlights some of my weaknesses. Some do find me overwhelming, while others note that my personal opinions can interfere with the student’s learning process. I am aware that I should be more mindful of my language and attitude especially when engaging with issues that are dear to me.
The feedback comes with some valuable suggestions for my development as a teacher. Striking a balance between my positionality and professionalism would ensure that all students can feel included and engaged. I take the all advice with gratitude, and will remind myself to be more open, to slow down, and to make space more than I take space.
Overall, I feel humbled by the qualities my peers see in me as a teacher, and with some adjustments, I believe I can become a more effective and inspiring educator.
“Our teacher Selcuk did a great job in inspiring us. He is a great teacher! His lectures were also inspiring even if they were online.” [anonymous student feedback survey, New Earth Minor 20/21]
<aside> ✍🏼 Dear [_____],
I hope this email finds you well.
I have been following a training towards Basiskwalificatie Didactische Bekwaamheid (BDB) qualification. In order to prepare my portfolio, I am asked to do a “360º feedback survey”. This entails asking people in my (professional) environment to answer three questions about me, to help identify my strengths and weaknesses, and the difference in perception I have about myself and others have about me.
In your capacity as a [______],
1/ Where do you think my strength lies/ which talents are typical for me?
2/ What weaknesses do you think I could have as an educator/ which pitfalls are typical for me?
3/ Could you give me one suggestion to develop myself as a teacher?
Please try to be as honest and specific as possible, and mind that I will be including your answer in the appendix of my portfolio (to be read by reviewers). I would greatly appreciate your feedback by Thursday September 15, 2022.
My very best,
assistant professor at the Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society
Where do you think my strength lies? Which talents are typical for me?
Selçuk’s strengths come from his intrinsic motivation for his subjects. He can speak freely about these and knows how to draw meaningful connections regardless of the question or problem. Students can rely on Selçuk as an authority and conversation partner. He has an enthusiasm that attracts many students to care more and/or differently for their education.
What weaknesses do you think I could have as an educator? Which pitfalls are typical for me?
There may be some resistance to the implied politics and ethics of his main engagement with climate justice and environmentalism. The aims of education and activism can and should be the same but their strategies often differ; for education, the strategy is mostly to encourage rather than instruct. I think Selçuk may find it difficult to deal with students who don’t care or care differently about the issues that come up in a class session.
Could you give me one suggestion to develop myself as a teacher?
To keep thinking about your position as an educator, make it neither too big or too small in your life. That works best when you keep a record of your pedagogical principles and rules, and make sure that your didactics are in line with it. Also: do not give up when things don’t go well, choose experimentation and transparency with your students whenever you get stuck.
designer, educator and curator; course tutor at Piet Zwart Institute and WdKA.